It selects an actor, or anything, without actually having to see them.
prid baseid – This command is helpful in many situations. Base ID’s can be found on Fallout 3’s wikia website. To use this command, combine aceatme with a base ID in the same line, then enter it. I personally use this to spawn creatures, pit them against each other, watch them fight and make bets. aceatme baseid – This command places an object or creature in front of you. To get the menus back, just enter the command again.
tfc 0 returns you to your body and unpauses the game. tfc 1 pauses the game and lets you float around as a spectator. This command is used to set up screenshots. This is useful for if you get stuck between some objects and can’t move. Entering it once enables no-clipping (or disables collisions, same thing), while entering it again enables collisions. tcl – This enables/disables collisions, or no-clipping as people call it.Using this combined with a cell ID (which can be found on FO3’s wikia website) teleports you to a new location. removescriptpackage 4083b – Sick of your new follower? Just enter this command, and it makes them leave you alone.I haven’t gotten any of them to follow me into Metro stations. Also, sometimes your follower won’t follow you past a loading screen. They’ll follow you until death, or sometimes you might have to re-enter this after reloading a save. To use this, open the console, click on a non-hostile creature, and enter that command. addscriptpackage 4083b – This makes the selected NPC follow you.
Increasing your size also increases movement speed (naturally) and strength. This makes your character significantly taller. If you want to change the player scale, use this: tscale 1.1. This must be used after first clicking on an object while the console is opened. So setting this value to 2, for example, doubles the object’s size. setscale – This controls the scale of an object.Here’s how I use the command: set timescale to 5 Default value is like 30 which is way too fast.
I prefer 5, which means that one real hour is equal to five in-game hours.
set timescale to – This changes the ridiculously fast time scale. So here’s an example of how I use this command: fov 75 It’s only good for Counter-Strike or Unreal Tournament players. But this just gives you a fish-eye look and it’s less realistic. Most people prefer 90, since it lets them see more on-screen. I personally prefer 75 which is more realistic. Just enter the bolded command listed below, and a value which I’ll explain right after it. All the good stiff is listed here, but I’ll list some important things that most people would be interested in. The default key for this is the tilde key, which is above TAB and below Escape. The console is a command prompt that lets you use developer-like functions. I’ll just copy everything from the FO3 guide here. Since the engine is identical to FO3, the console commands are the same. #Fallout new vegas mod manager .ini modfi mods
It’s not only the graphical mods that lower frame rates, so don’t over do it if your PC is not capable. Some mods come with separate versions for the DLC for New Vegas, so do not use those esp’s or esm’s if you do not have the appropriate DLC. Mods are almost always installed into your Fallout New Vegas\Data (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data). To see some gameplay with these mods in action, look here. These mods will make your game look better, play better and just add loads of new content. Keep in mind that many of the mods listed here require most if not all of the DLC, so be sure to get them! With those statistics, we decided it would be smart to give everyone a list of essential mods to download. According to Steam, Fallout New Vegas still has thousands of active players every day.